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A Page(r) Right out of Gravity's Rainbow


By Ned Pointsman

In light of recent global events, where technology and communication networks are being turned against individuals, Thomas Pynchon's work seems more relevant than ever. The recent pager attacks in Lebanon, which specifically targeted the victims' genitals, recall the central themes of Gravity's Rainbow. In that novel, the connection between rockets and male sexual organs reflects the way technological systems—whether in warfare or everyday communication—can intrude on even the most intimate aspects of human life. This parallel between Pynchon's fiction and the real-world attack underscores his exploration of how systems of power repurpose ordinary tools, like communication networks, for surveillance and covert control.

Pynchon frequently examines the ways in which networks—whether personal, technological, or institutional—are used by shadowy forces to manipulate individuals and society. The recent use of pagers to cause harm echoes these ideas, where even devices designed for communication can be exploited in secretive ways. His portrayal of government agencies and corporations working behind the scenes to manipulate technology for their own ends feels increasingly relevant in our current moment, where such tools are repurposed for control in ways that often go unnoticed.

For readers today, Pynchon's work offers an insightful lens for understanding the complexities of a world where technology, surveillance, and covert power intersect. His novels challenge us to question the systems we rely on and consider the broader implications of technological advancements that may not always serve the purposes we assume. Revisiting his literature can provide valuable perspective on the hidden forces shaping modern life.